sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2009

Tool's "Bottom"

My compassion is broken now.
My will is eroded now,
And my desire is broken now
And it makes me feel ugly.
I'm on my knees and burning.
My piss and moans are the fuel that,
Set my head on fire.
So smell, my soul is burning.
I'm broken, looking up to see the enemy.
And I have swallowed the poison you feed me...
But I survive on it, and it leaves me guilt fed,
Hatred fed,
Weakness fed..
And it makes me feel ugly.
On my knees and burning.
My piss and moans are the fuel
That set my head on fire.
I'm dead insiiiiiiiiiiiiide!

Shit adds up at the bottooom...

If I let you, you would make me destroy myself.
But in order to survive you, I must first survive myself.
I can sink no further and I cannot forgive you.
There's no choice but to confront you,
to engage you, to erase you.
I've gone to great lengths to expand my threshold of pain.
I will use my mistakes against you.
There's no other choice.
Shameless now.
Nameless now.
Nothing now.
No one now.
But my soul must be iron cause my fear is naked.
I'm naked and fearless.
And my fear is naked!
Nedless now,
Shameless now,
Nothing now,
No one now.

You see me naked now,
Fearless now,
Naked now,
Fearless now.

You see... shit adds up.
Shit adds,
Shit adds,
Shit adds up.
It leaves me dead, inside!

Hatred keeps me alive,
Ugliness keeps me alive,
Weakness keeps me alive,
Guilt keeps me alive at the bottom!

sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009


The dark is fading away.
I don't want to be alone anymore.

The light of dawn is here once more.

(The light...)
Darkness is slipping away.
(Of dawn...)
I don't want to be alone.
(Is here...)
Won't you stay?

Not a word passed your lips.
Just a golden kiss,
As I whispered silently
'Help me through this'..."

- by Anathema

És luz na escuridão que me rodeia.
Obrigada meu amor!

segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2009

A Minha Heroina.

Já aqui não escrevo aqui há algum tempo e nada me ocorria senão a razão pela qual comecei a escrever, ou pelo menos tentar.
Ela é a minha mãe, a minha heroina, a minha inspiração. Teve uma vida muito sofrida e é das pessoas mais fortes que conheço!
Era ela que ficava noites comigo a dar-me força enquanto eu escrevia as minhas composições e histórias para a escola.
É a minha leitora mais ávida e quem sempre me disse para nunca deixar de escrever, para nunca desistir.
Ela é, para mim, a maior poeta de todos os tempos.

Este poema foi escrito em memória do padrinho dela, e meu tio Jaime.


Foi um dia 26 de Fevereiro,
Foi um 5ª feira com um sol radioso,
Mas uma noite negra!
Havia estrelas no céu, mas não brilhavam!
Houve silêncio e incerteza!
Houve esperança!
Os cães uivaram lá fora e eu adivinhei dor!
Tremi por dentro e senti que alguma coisa se perdia.
Quis que o tempo parasse e a notícia não chegasse.
E finalmente a decepção!
O fim de um destino!
Houve lágrimas e dor,
Angústia e desespero,
E eu senti que era mais forte do que pensei ser.
Quis chorar e não consegui.
Quis estar a sonhar e acordar,
mas nem cheguei a adormecer!
Foi uma noite triste,
De olhares parados, de choros desmedidos.
Foi a vontade de fugir da realidade,
Foi o sonho que se desfez.
Disse-te tanta coisa que não ouviste
E chorei quando te vi!
Não sorriste, nem faláste,
Quis ver vida em ti e já não havia.
E o teu rosto mostrou-me que a morte vencera!
A tua voz já não a oiço.
O teu sorriso já não o vejo,
E o teu rosto ficará para sempre gravado na minha memória.
Partiste sem avisar,
E eu queria ter-te dito adeus.
Desejo que nessa tua nova vida sejas feliz."
- Júlia Castilho

sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009


Look at her, sitting in a corner of her room listening to her favorite song, louder and louder...
As if it is really ever gonna save her... hah. She wishes for it but knows better. The men she loves so much, the men who created such beautiful melodies and moving words couldn't care less.

She sits and sits waiting for something she knows deep inside will never come. She's alone, always has been and always will be. Not because people don't like her. But because she pushes them away, and away. Away from the sad sad shadow she has become.

She doesn't live, she gave it up long ago. She doesn't live...she's just there, waiting for the end, waiting for the grace that will wash her pain and fear away.

Fear. That sneaky little bastard has stolen everything from her, her heart, her soul, her essence. It consumed everything she was, everything she ever felt.

But there's still this little place in her head, the only place left she can call hers.
A place where hapiness isn't just a dream.
And so there she lingers, listening to that same song, holding onto it...forever.

"It's not a cry that you hear at night,
It's not somebody who's seen the light.
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah..."

quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

I dare you....

I dare you only to live by night,
when your thoughts are always dark.

I dare you to feel my fears,
and cry until you don't have any more tears.

I dare you to seat in a corner all alone,
and have your heart forced into a stone.

I dare you to be a shadow,
and always live in woe.

I dare you to feel unwhole,
for you have lost your soul.

I dare you to live stuck in my mind,
where my will is always blind.

I dare you to feel my pain.
I dare you to be insane.

I dare you to close your eyes to see,
I dare you...

I dare you to be me.

domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009


"Em criança, construí uma muralha de ódio em meu redor.

Quando me perguntaram, «Como contruíste essa muralha?»,

Respondi, «Com as pedras dos insultos».





Blood on my sheets...

Blood on the walls…

Blood on the floor…

And my only thought is:

There’s not enough blood,

Not enough blood for all you’ve made me go through.

Not enough life…

Not enough pain…

Not enough death…

For this monster I became!